2021 Legislative Land Use Legislative Wrap

May 25, 2021 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Legislative Wrap-up:  MAP, along with Tara DePuy, land use attorney for MACo and Kelly Lynch, Deputy Director and General Legal Counsel for the League of Cities and Town, will be discussing legislative changes to the land use statutes over the next several weeks by a Zoom conference on Tuesday starting at noon and lasting approximately one hour.  One piece of legislation or one topic area will be covered each week and questions can be submitted in advance to attorney@riverworks.net and Kelly.lynch@mtleague.net.  Best practices will be discussed as we work through the 2021 legislation, but as always, your county attorney or your city attorney is the final advisor for your jurisdiction.  These trainings will be for planners and city and county attorneys.  Please do not provide this link to non-governmental entities.

The third Zoom conference will be held on May 25th at noon to discuss the new expedited subdivision review bill, SB 161 which is effective on October 1, 2021.

•  SB0161.pdf (mt.gov)

A weekly notice will be sent out regarding the legislation to be discussed at the next Zoom conference.  As there will be limited time each week to discuss each piece of legislation, again, questions in advance will help focus the discussion.  Further guidance may be issued after each week’s discussion to clarify questions.

For attorneys, we are applying for CLE credits for one hour each week.  You will need to self-report your attendance.  The recorded previous sessions can be found at:  https://mmia.net/2021tillotson/.