MMIA, MACo Receive AGRIP's 2017 Award for Excellence in Performance
A decade of collaboration between Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority (MMIA) and Montana Association of Counties Property Casualty Trust (MACo PCT) has earned both groups a multinational award.
The Association of Governmental Risk Pools has named MMIA and MACo PCT as co-recipients of the 2017 Award for Excellence in Performance. The two organizations have partnered with the State of Montana to fund a Risk Management Trainer position at the Montana Law Enforcement Academy (MLEA) since 2006.
The project provides varying degrees of risk management training for entry-level, mid-level management and administrative staff from law enforcement and public safety agencies around the state of Montana. This focus on risk management gives participants a base of understanding about the importance of minimizing risk in day-to-day law enforcement operations.
“With the current high profile attention on law enforcement risk, MMIA’s and MACo’s collaborative effort with the State of Montana is a great program to highlight as a replicable risk management solution,” AGRiP Board of Directors President Tom Barnes said.
Montana Association of Counties enhances the public serviced mission of counties by promoting integrity and providing proactive leadership while acknowledging and respecting Montana’s diversity. The Montana Association of Counties Property Casualty Trust pool is a group self-insured program that offers package concept combing multiple lines of coverages provided by a manuscripted policy specifically designed to meet the coverage and service needs for 49 Montana counties and 253 special districts.
Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority is a risk retention pool created by the cities and towns in Montana in 1986, to manage their municipal risks. The interlocal government agency was developed out of the need cover municipal liability and workers’ compensation risks, and has since expanded to cover property and employee benefit coverage.
AGRiP’s Award for Excellence in Performance recognizes a pool or, in this case pools, for outstanding programs or services. The AGRiP Board of Directors acknowledged the Montana pools for their significant and innovative efforts, which provide a model initiative that could be implemented by other pools around the country.
The two pools will receive the Award for Excellence in Performance on March 6 during AGRiP’s Governance & Leadership Conference in Orlando, Fla.
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MMIA, MACo Receive AGRIP’s 2017 Award for Excellence in Performance
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